Sunday Morning Update: October 7

It was another great week in RT Kids. This Sunday we learned about the importance of having a positive attitude. Our verse of the day came from Proverbs 17:22: "A joyful heart is good medicine." We learned about the Israelites in the desert and how they complained over and over and over, despite everything that God did for them. My prayer for this Sunday was for the children to realize they have a choice to be joyful, even when circumstances aren't ideal, but that a negative attitude will make it impossible for them to be happy, even when they get their way. Far too often when working with kids, I hear them complaining about everything, from not getting picked for a game to not winning prizes, to not getting extra candy, and the list goes on and on. I wanted our precious children to realize and understand that they are never too young to begin choosing joy every day.

Coming up sometime soon we are going to begin our "Heroes of the Bible" series. There are so many incredible accounts in the Bible of regular people doing amazing things through God--and the best part is that it's all true! Looking at some of the things that went down in Bible times, movies and video games ain't got nothing on the Bible when it comes to adventure. I can't wait for our kids to experience the excitement and awesomeness that can be found in the Word of God!

Stay tuned for more fun and excitement in RT Kids!