If you get me to the railroad tracks, I can find my way home from there.

Dear Church,

When I was a kid, I used to hear my Grandfather say, "If you get me to the railroad tracks, I can find my way home from there."

Two weeks ago, we started our Comeback Offering. We set an audacious goal of $30,000.00. With your generosity and the generosity shown by several outside ministries, we have raised $21,669.78. As my Grandfather would say, "We have arrived at the railroad tracks." We are close to making our way home, needing only $8,330.22 left to raise.

What does this number represent? Two things: 1) Get our church on track financially, so we have more resources to do more ministry and touch more lives. 2) We will bless multiple organizations and churches so they can continue providing needed resources to families within our community. So when our team decided to raise this offering, we wanted to take this opportunity to help other organizations besides ourselves continue doing their work. They're in the trenches making a powerful difference in the lives of our community, and we want them to have more resources as their work continues.

You play a direct role here at RT and across the city of Highland Park when you give on over the next two weeks. Your generosity means more people get the help they so desperately need.

You can give to this offering online or by putting something in the plate or mail.

No matter how you give or what amount you give, know your dollar makes a tremendous difference in our church and our community. So how will you consider giving now?

Ps. Devin Gough
Sr. Pastor, RevivalTab