Day 7: Waiting and Resting

Wait on the Lord and be of good courage. And He will strengthen your  heart. Wait I say on the Lord. Psalm 27:14
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him. Psalms 37:7a

If you are waiting and unsure of exactly what God is doing, then you are in goodcompany. Every believer experiences waiting. The Bible is all about waiting. The Disciples waited on Jesus being resurrected (Luke 24). The believers waited on the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4). There is a level of uncertainty when we wait. We expect God will fulfill His promises, yet we are uncertain as to when this will happen. Not having the specific information of when can be frustrating.

We think we should know everything, but God is omniscient; we are not. God may be stingy with His omniscience, but He is liberal with His omnipresence. We can be of good courage if we remember that He will strengthen our heart. He is in the future creating the way and He is presently with us calming our fears and doubts.

We must rest in the Lord and waiting patiently for Him. Waiting can make us feel anxious, yet Psalms 37 encourages us to rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. This resting is not the absence of activity, but this rest is the absence of worry. Worrying while waiting is something that has happened to us all, but when it happens, we cannot allow it to consume us. Waiting in God, means to rest in His promise. Rest in the one who has saved you, who has delivered you, who has brought you thus far and will never leave you or forsake you. 
Today, are you resting and waiting in Him? Or are you anxious and filled with worry? Bring your anxiety and worry to God in prayer. Entrust Him with your doubts and impatience, and abide in Him.