Day 11: What Do You Have?

Scripture Reference: Luke 12:48

We must thank the Lord for His bountiful blessings, but greater still are His mercies. Treasure His gifts of opportunity, privilege, reward, and pleasure that He lavishes upon you. Yet, always seek to recognize the merciful bless- ings hidden in your bounty.

Your job means no more hunger or nakedness, because of His provision.

Your home means no homelessness or exploitation, for you have a safe refuge.

Your salvation means no longer are you wandering about in isolation, because of the love and sacrifice of Christ.

Your joy means no discouragement or despondency, for the Holy Spirit fills every emptiness.

Your faith means no more hopelessness or doubt, because you possess the knowledge of God. Do you see that?

In the great blessings you receive are greater blessings to give, such as food, money, clothing, shelter, and protection; relationships, family, joy, peace, surety, hope, and rest.

“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required; and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” (Luke 12:48)

Through His mercies we abound, in order to give and share with those in need. That is our responsibility and joy.

Therefore, receive what He provides. Give of what you have. Share what you know. 

-Sarah Johnson