If you have a prayer request or would like more information about our prayer service and prayer focus, join us here!


TOMORROW: Your marriage is worth fighting for! We're just days away from an awesome time! Register now for this FREE Event and please invite other couples to attend as well! 

Wednesday, November 18th: We will be serving the staff of some of the key infrastructure [Police, Fire, and City Hall] within the City of Highland Park. 

A quick reminder, we are still requesting any who are able to give Thanksgiving related sides and turkeys. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 17th at 7pm for our Packaging Night. We hope the creative sparks have begun for each teams flash mob ideas. Can't wait to see you Tuesday!

November 22nd: At RT, we are family. Before we have Thanksgiving with relatives from near and far, 
we want to cut the Turkey together as a church. Be ready to eat immediately following service for a delicious Thanksgiving meal!

General Announcements!

Click (or tap) to complete the membership registration! Password: rtistogether

Sermons on CD
If you would like any of the sermons preached from the RT Pulpit on CD, see Sis. Kathy Forsythe in the media booth for purchases.  CDs are only $5.

At Revival we consider everyone that volunteers at the church a RT ALL-STAR
Pastor Devin identified four critical areas within the church where we need people to serve.  Those areas are our Children’s Ministry, Ushers & Greeters, Food Services and Environmental Services.  For RT to function properly, WE NEED YOU…and you don’t have to be an expert either.  If you are ready to be an ALL-STAR, you don’t have to wait until Sunday to let us know.  Send us an e-mail and we’ll get you where you need to go!